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EV Charging Station

We Design, Manufacture, Own and Operate EV Charging Stations. Nineverse is paving the way for a single adoption of EV’s through the deployment and operation of EV charging infrastructure globally.

  • More than 4 Million electric kms have been driven on the Nineverse Network.
  • Strong EV charging network with more than 1500+ public EV charging points.
  • More than 70K charges delivered and counting.
  • Drivers have avoided more than 160K litters of gasoline.
  • 80+ new drivers subscribe into the Nineverse network every day or less.
  • More than 995 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions avoided.

What Makes Us Different

24/7 Support for EV drivers

Networked EV charging

Cloud based solutions

Partner Roaming

Mobile App (Android & iOS)

98% uptime

What We do

Design, Manufacture, Sell & Deploy

Nineverse EV charging stations, creating destinations for EV drivers

Own, Operate, & Maintain

A nationwide network of EV charging stations under long term agreements with property partners.

Generate Revenue

Through charging EV drivers to power their cars, selling EV charging hardware, and providing network connectivity and payment processing for our property partners.


Our Service Support

The customer service & support team of Nineverse ensures
prompt, reliable, and efficient support wherever our products
and services are supplied.

  • Fast Response Guarantee: 24 x 7 Hotline available for
    customers to get their query resolved through the Nineverse
    technical support team
  • Spares required by onsite engineers for completing the
    necessary job shall be catered immediately from the stock
    maintained at factory.
  • Nineverse engineers from the home base would be on standby
    for deployments for any advanced support and assistance.
New Ideas

Together, we build a world where prosperity, kindness, and sustainability intersect—
a world where every individual thrives.

Quality and reliability are our main focus



Our EV Charging hardware solutions can be utilized by any kind of company or home with advanced technology. EV Charging solutions from Nineverse make charging EVs simple. Our products are designed to suite everyday requirements. They range from charging boxes for the garage at home to charging stations in public spaces. In addition to the home Charging solution, the majority of charging processes are carried out at semi
public and non public charging points. Especially the availability in companies is decisive for fleet vehicles and employees with private vehicles. In addition, semi public loading facilities in multi-storey carparks,
retail stores and hotels are also visited by EV drivers.


Mobile App

EV Charging made easier through Nineverse App. The easiest way to find
available stations, start charging and get updates when your EV is fully charged.

  • Charge your EV anytime, anywhere on the go. 
  • Know the live charging status of your nearest charge point
  • Scan the vehicle QR and chat with the rider in charge
  • Manage, Validate and easy top up of your energy packs
  • One tap navigation or scan station QR to start charging effortlessly
  • Manage your complete EV profile seamlessly.
  • Know your recent charging activities


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